
😎 Who Are We & Our Mission 🏁

We are CatsTheFlag, a group of experts in Smart contract development and Audit.

Our mission is to create a frontier developer community

Create a nation of frontier smart contract developers and auditors who autonomously collaborate to solve problems or produce what's really needed.

🚩What is CTF🚩

CTF, short for Capture the Flag, is a cybersecurity competition that involves participants showcasing their expertise in hacking and security knowledge. The objective is to discover concealed digital markers, commonly referred to as "flags," within smart contracts.

💰Entry Fee💰

We charge an entry fee of 0.015ETH. Although you can win them back by solving our CTF quiz and possibly earning the prize! (We are asking you to share the transaction key with the survey)

🏢 Venue 🏢


🎯 CsTF in Paris 🎯

We are hosting our second CTF event in Paris on the 19th of July🎉

🕰️ Time Table 🕰️

Time Agenda Participants
12:30~13:00 Open The entrance/Networking Developers
13:00~14:30 CTF Time Developers
14:30~15:00 Beer Break All Guests
15:00~15:45 “Real world web3-hackings” presented by zkitty All Guests
16:00~18:00 Networking All Guests
18:00 Venue Close All Guests

Core Members

Project Leader: zkitty

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